

Gratitude is a daily exercise for me, and since it's Thanksgiving I'm inviting you to learn some of the things I'm most grateful for in 2021


It took me a while to figure out how I could adequately convey that despite the pandemic and despite all the restrictions and chaos and uncertainty, 2021 has been a pretty awesome year.

I started looking back at all the photos I took – I know what you’re thinking, for a photographer, that’s like THOUSANDS – so for the sake of researching this post I chose to just go through the ones on my phone ๐Ÿ˜†

#1 – I am grateful for…SCIENCE

That because of years of research and development and a collective goal to get the COVID-19 pandemic under control, my family and I were able to access and receive a vaccine that helps keep us, our communities and those we love safe.


#2 – I am grateful for…SCHOOL (IN PERSON!)

Listen, I adore my kids. I really do. But the days of virtual school were HARD. #TheMidglette didn’t even start going to preschool until January. #TheMidglet was home until March and then was in quarantine like 3 weeks later. So when she got to start kindergarten and he went off to 5th grade ON SCHEDULE, the whole family definitely did some happy dances. We are so grateful to the teachers and administrators and support staff and bus drivers for all working together to make it happen.

#3 – I am grateful for…NETWORKING

I have made some pretty incredible connections and friends networking in this community.

#4 – I am grateful for…SUMMER FUN

Living in NC we are so fortunate to have short cold seasons – and believe me, I turned in my northern card as soon as we got south of the Mason-Dixon line – so we make it a point to spend as much time outside as we can! This year it was also a such fun to get out and hera live music again!

#5 – I am grateful for…TRAVEL

Between friends visiting us in NC and going to the beach and getting to hang out with some long time friends out of state, traveling made things feel like it’s almost getting back to normal after the shutdowns and restrictions in 2020 and 2021.

Also, in case you happened to notice, I *maybe* went a bit overboard in the closet purging with all the time we spent inside because yes, you do see me wearing the same outfit in two of these photos ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜†

#6 – I am grateful for…APEX

I was born to live in a small town – not a lot of traffic, walkable, convenient, and with the BEST ice cream shop…now that we’re emerging from our collective cocoons, there’s also festivals and street fairs and gatherings. I am so happy we landed here!

#7 – I am grateful for…MY AWESOME CLIENTS!

Everyday I look at the calendar and say to myself I LOVE WHAT I DO. I mean, I get to help people see themselves on their websites and social media and see how badass and confident they are, and we get to be really creative and have fun doing it. BEST. JOB. EVER.

#8 – I am grateful for...GIRLS WHO DO STUFF

For a multitude of reasons, this podcast has given me more than I could ever put into it. Aside from the amazing people we get to spend time with and my soul sister Sarah, I have a platform to do good. We sometimes talk about hard things and uncomfortable truths – our listeners give us feedback about their takeaways and share their stories.

#9 – I am grateful for…MY FAMILY

I couldn’t get through this thing called life without them…Electric word, life…It means forever and that’s a mighty long time…
