
Getting to know me, getting to know all about me


Before I tell you exactly how I began helping my clients build their brands, let’s do a quick recap of the last post:

  1. When I moved to Raleigh, things weren’t going so well for my photography business… in that, I hated it.
  2. I was trying to do ALL THE THINGS instead of honing in on the part of my business I loved.
  3. I made a big change, and rebranded myself as a Personal Brand Photographer

Ok, we’re all caught up now.

I also told you that my clients weren’t using the photos they were paying for… so I asked them why.

Actually, it sounded more like…. 

WTF, client!?!?!

I found out that it wasn’t because they didn’t like my work. It was because they didn’t know HOW to use the photos.

They were saying things like:

I don’t know what to say if I use these images for social media.

I don’t know if I need a blog for these photos.

Should I put these photos on my website? How do I even do that?

Many of my clients had no idea what they actually needed.

So, I began to demystify social media and content marketing for them.

I didn’t do the work for them, but I helped them build a marketing path that made sense.

I learned that my clients were making some of the same mistakes I made early in my career. (Remember, I said I was doing ALL THE THINGS and making no progress at all?)

They felt like they needed to be on every social media platform. Every marketing “expert” was telling them to do something different.

Basically, they were spreading themselves too thin.


Next, I’m going to tell you how I help my clients beat overwhelm so that they could grow their businesses without wanting to pull their hair out! Stay tuned!
